Drivers were shown fuel prices in Kyiv region: how much gasoline, diesel, and autogas cost.

Fuel prices in Kyiv region
Ціни на паливо в Київській області: актуальні ставки на бензин, дизель та автогаз.

Gas Stations in Kyiv region have adjusted prices for gasoline, diesel, and autogas.

According to data from the website, fuel prices in Ukraine have increased. Let's find out how much it costs in the Kyiv region as of January 15. It is worth noting that there is a noticeable difference between large networks and small gas stations.

The most popular gasoline A-95 is sold at a price of 52.95-59.74 UAH per liter (average price 56.35 UAH/l).

The cost of the premium version A-95+ is higher: 55.49-61.74 UAH/l (average price 58.62 UAH/l).

Other types of gasoline have the following prices: A-98 approximately 52 UAH/l, A-92 - average price 54.09 UAH/l, while the cheapest A-80 costs 17.99 UAH/l.

Regarding diesel fuel, its price ranges from 48.99 to 57.99 UAH/l (average price 53.49 UAH/l). The improved version of diesel is sold at an average of 57.50 UAH/l.

Automobile gas is offered at varying prices: the best deal in the Market network is 33.89 UAH/l, while prices at large gas stations are 38.73 UAH/l. The average cost of autogas in the region is 36.31 UAH/l.

It should be noted that older drivers must use a special sign.

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