Declaration campaign: over 3 thousand Ukrainians officially reported million-dollar assets.

Declaration campaign: over 3 thousand Ukrainians officially reported million-dollar assets
Declaration campaign: over 3 thousand Ukrainians officially reported million-dollar assets

Ukrainian citizens declared incomes of over 1 million UAH

In the period from January to February 2024, 3186 Ukrainian citizens reported to the State Tax Service about their incomes exceeding 1 million UAH. The total amount of declared incomes amounts to 21.8 billion UAH.

These taxpayers were assigned to pay personal income tax in the amount of 269.6 million UAH and military levy in the amount of 44.6 million UAH.

The youngest 'millionaire', aged 3.5 years, received income from inherited property not from first- and second-degree relatives. Meanwhile, the oldest 'millionairess' - a 96-year-old resident of Kyiv, received income from the sale of securities.

In particular, 25 individuals declared tax liabilities exceeding 1 million UAH. Of these, 6 individuals live in Kyiv, 4 in the Kyiv region, 3 in the Transcarpathian region, 2 in Sumy and Lviv regions each, and 1 each in Volyn, Dnipropetrovsk, Zhytomyr, Zaporizhzhia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Odesa, and Kherson regions.

Increase in the volume of declared incomes

In the first two months of the current year, citizens submitted more than 44 thousand declarations, in which incomes totaling 36.2 billion UAH were declared. This is 62% (or 13.9 billion UAH) more than last year.

Residents of Kyiv, Lviv, and Dnipropetrovsk regions declared incomes most actively.

For payment to the budget, 436.9 million UAH of personal income tax was declared, which is 15% (or 54.5 million UAH) more than last year, and 80.3 million UAH of military levy, which is 15% (or 10.4 million UAH) more.

In addition, over 16 thousand individuals declared the right to a tax rebate, for which 105.7 million UAH will be refunded from the budget.

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