Four Biogas Plants Expected to Launch in Ukraine.

Biogas Plants in Ukraine
Очікується запуск чотирьох біогазових установок в Україні

Biogas Plants in Ukraine: Statistics and Future Plans

According to Georgiy Geletukha, Chairman of the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine, as of January 2025, three biogas plants are operating in Ukraine, and during the year, the opening of four more is planned.

'Since September 2024, the first company started producing biogas, the second in November. And approximately a week ago, the third company began producing biogas. So, for now, we have three producers,' added Geletukha.

The first two plants have a capacity of 3 million cubic meters of biogas per year, and the third - 11 million cubic meters. Producers are already negotiating with potential gas buyers, and news about the start of exports is expected in the coming weeks.

If all three existing plants operate at full capacity for the year, Ukraine can produce 17 million cubic meters of biogas.

'We expect at least 4 more companies to join. If seven companies are operational, we will receive 111 million cubic meters of biogas per year from them,' noted Geletukha.

According to Geletukha, the unblocking of biogas exports in 2024 served as a catalyst for the development of this industry.

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