Discussions on the resumption of Russian gas supplies to the EU — FT.

Resumption of Russian gas supplies to the EU
Обговорення можливості відновлення постачання російського газу до Європейського Союзу.

The resumption of Russian gas supplies to the EU is being discussed in Europe

European officials are considering the possibility of resuming Russian gas supplies to the EU via pipelines as a solution to end the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. According to FT, this idea has received support from some government officials but has sparked negative reactions among Ukraine's allies in the EU.

Proponents of the idea believe that it will help reduce gas prices in Europe and force Moscow to sit at the negotiating table, as well as provide grounds for maintaining the ceasefire. However, this option jeopardizes the EU's goals of weaning off Russian gas by 2027 and also negatively affects the position of American LNG exporters.

Russian gas supplies to Europe significantly increased before the war began, but now the capitals of the EU are opposing its resumption. However, some officials believe that this decision will help reduce energy costs and maintain peace in Donbas.

In any case, this issue is still in the stage of discussions, and some politicians are currently against its implementation.

American LNG suppliers fear competition from Russian gas

In the event of the resumption of Russian gas transit to Europe through Ukraine, American LNG exporters may lose the market and become uncompetitive. They are outraged by the idea of resuming Russian supplies and signing long-term contracts with European companies.

The goal of the EU is to be free from Russian gas by 2027, but almost a third of the gas in Europe comes from Russia. This increases the demand for cheap energy sources but at the same Time makes Europe dependent on the Russian Federation.

No decision has yet been made regarding the resumption of Russian gas supplies, and this is an ongoing discussion among politicians and experts. A decision will be made considering the interests of each party.

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