Ukrzaliznytsia Doubled Free Internet Traffic on Intercity Trains.

Ukrzaliznytsia - internet on Intercity trains
Ukrzaliznytsia - internet on Intercity trains

Ukrzaliznytsia has introduced a new service for passengers of high-speed Intercity and Intercity+ trains. Now passengers can enjoy 2 GB of free Internet at a speed of 10 Mbps, which is double the previous amount. Currently, 750 thousand passengers have already used this new service, making up half of the total. The total traffic volume has already exceeded 2.3 petabytes.

The most popular routes for internet use have been trips on the Kyiv - Lviv routes, particularly flights No. 741/742 and No. 777/778, where about 66% of passengers connect to the network. In total, internet is available in 16 Intercity trains, including Hyundai, Skoda, 'Tarpan' trains, and trains with MPLT carriages.

This innovation will allow passengers to stay connected, handle work matters, and communicate with family and friends during the journey.

Additionally, Ukrzaliznytsia announced changes in the schedule and routes in 2024.

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