Defectors in Korean: Newsweek learned how North Korean soldiers try to 'skive' from the war in Ukraine.

North Korean soldiers evade war
Втікачі з Північної Кореї: Як військові шукають спосіб уникнути служби в Україні.

More than 10,000 servicemen from North Korea were sent to Russia to participate in combat against Ukrainian forces. However, many of them faced defeats and were withdrawn from the combat zone. This caused panic in North Korea.

The price of bribing hospital workers for issuing fake tuberculosis certificates has increased fivefold – from 100 dollars last year... This is a staggering amount, considering that the average salary of a civil servant in North Korea is between 5,000 and 10,000 won (1-3 US dollars).

Many parents worry about their sons being mobilized and sent to Russia, where they could die. Previously, North Korean military temporarily withdrew from the front line in Kursk after significant losses.

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