Norway Will Introduce an Innovative 'Wall' of Wind Turbines: How It Will Work.

Wind turbines on an innovative wall in Norway
Норвегія планує впровадження унікальної системи вітрових турбін у формі стіни: принципи її функціонування.

The company Wind Catching Systems has developed a new technology that allows for the construction of an energy-efficient wind power plant without taking up a large area of land. This technology is revolutionary, and the company has received funding from the Norwegian government in the amount of $107 million for the development of a floating wind power plant with a capacity of 40 megawatts. According to the plan, the power plant will consist of 40 turbines, which are projected to produce 99 GWh of electricity per year. This project received funding as part of a competition organized by the state agency Enova to support small commercial offshore wind projects. The Wind Catching Systems technology will reduce maintenance costs and better utilize space, and it could be a breakthrough in the field of alternative energy. The company's director calls this technology exciting and potentially groundbreaking, and he believes that this project will have significant value for the supply chain. However, Norwegian Offshore Wind has expressed its disappointment that only one project received funding from Enova. They believe that Norway has great potential in this industry and has decided to develop it. It is worth noting that Sweden has refused to build wind farms in the Baltic Sea due to threats from Russia.

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