The EU treats longer: the doctor explained the difference between Ukrainian and European medicine.

Implementation of European medicine in Ukraine
Implementation of European medicine in Ukraine

Problems of the Ukrainian healthcare system

endocrinologist Natalia Bezmen explained the main reasons for the shorter lifespan of Ukrainians compared to Europeans. According to her, the Ukrainian healthcare system has shortcomings that affect the quality and accessibility of medical care.

In Europe, despite long wait times for doctors, patients receive quality medical services after a diagnosis is made. According to Bezmen, in complicated and advanced cases, there are better chances for saving lives, especially in oncological and critical conditions.

The main advantage of the European system is the ability to receive compensation for medications when their cost is covered by the state. This allows patients to obtain long-term treatment medications without financial issues. The Ukrainian compensation system is still developing and is limited to the number of medications included in the program.

Particularly difficult are the challenges faced by the elderly with chronic illnesses. Access to medical care in rural areas is also a major problem. According to the expert, the rural population has limited access to medicine and healthcare due to the lack of medical institutions and pharmacies.

In addition, Ukrainian men live 13-17 years less than women, which also indicates problems in the healthcare sector.

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