Telegram has been providing law enforcement agencies with contact details of criminals since 2018 - Durov.

Contact details of criminals transmitted by Telegram - Durov
Contact details of criminals transmitted by Telegram - Durov

Telegram can disclose IP addresses and phone numbers of criminals to authorities

My previous post may have seemed to announce serious changes in the operation of Telegram. But in reality, very little has changed. Whenever we received a properly executed lawful request from the relevant communication channels, we verified it and disclosed the IP addresses and phone numbers of dangerous criminals. This process was introduced long before last week

The founder of the messenger Pavel Durov announced that Telegram has been able to disclose IP addresses and phone numbers of criminals to authorities in most countries since 2018. He stated that this process involves verification of lawful requests and disclosure of data of dangerous criminals. In particular, in Brazil in the first quarter of 2024, data of criminals was disclosed in 75 requests, and in India - in 2461 requests. In the third quarter in Europe, the number of justified legal requests increased. Durov also emphasized that Telegram always complies with local laws, unless they contradict the values of freedom and privacy.

Thus, Telegram continues to protect its users from criminals and assists law enforcement agencies in solving cases. The company has changed its privacy policy and terms of use of the application to prevent criminals from abusing the search on Telegram.

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