It became known how many residents of Kherson region are in Russian captivity.

Residents of Kherson region in Russian captivity
Відомо, скільки мешканців Херсонщини опинилися в полоні у російських військ.

588 residents of Kherson region are in Russian captivity

According to the head of the Kherson Regional Military-Civil Administration Oleksandr Prokudin, it is currently known about 588 residents of Kherson region who are in captivity in Russia.

However, this number may be even greater, as many cases of abduction of citizens have not been documented, he noted in his interview with Ukrinform.

'Many cases of abduction are not confirmed'

'Currently, it is recorded that 588 residents of our region are in captivity. However, this number may be even greater, as many cases of abduction are not confirmed,' Prokudin noted.

According to him, there are people whom the Russians 'try' in courts, and such cases become known to the public. However, there are also Ukrainians who are illegally abducted, subjected to torture, and receive inadequate treatment, but there is no reliable information about them.

The head of the regional military-civil administration emphasized that Russia tries to silence information about illegally detained persons, which complicates the establishment of their whereabouts and condition.

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