From 30 UAH per kilo: what is happening with prices for flour, sugar, and salt in January.

Flour, sugar, salt - prices in January
Ціни на основні продукти: чому борошно, цукор та сіль знову дорожчають цього місяця.

In January 2025, prices for flour, sugar, and salt in supermarkets have changed. This information is provided by the Minfin portal.

According to the results of price monitoring in leading retail chains, the cost of essential food products has increased compared to December 2024.

Wheat flour 'Khutorok' has slightly risen in price: the average price for 1 kg is 30.55 UAH, which is slightly higher than in December - 30.17 UAH. The price for a kilogram package ranges from 29.99 UAH at Novus to 31.10 UAH at MegaMarket. An increase is also seen in the two-kilogram package: the average price has risen from 55.74 UAH to 56.30 UAH.

The price situation for sea salt remains stable: the average price per kilogram has practically not changed and is 35.74 UAH. In various stores, the price ranges from 33.88 UAH at Auchan to 37.60 UAH at MegaMarket.

Sugar has become slightly cheaper - 34.57 UAH per kilogram. The lowest price is offered at Auchan - 32.90 UAH per kilogram, while the highest is at MegaMarket - 39.60 UAH per kilogram.

Consumers are advised to pay attention to promotional offers in stores and, if possible, purchase products at more favorable prices at retail locations with the lowest costs.

We remind you that the most expensive coffee in Ukraine.

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