Fines for the first check: what drivers cannot do without getting into the car.

-First document check for drivers
-First document check for drivers

Ukrainian drivers often make mistakes, thinking that police can only fine them for typical traffic violations. However, law enforcement has broader powers, including checking for the presence of a civil liability insurance policy.

The internet portal 'Your Car' emphasizes that it is necessary not only to conclude an insurance contract but also to always have the insurance document with you.

If a police officer requests to present the document and the driver cannot do so, they face a fine of 425 hryvnias. Lack of insurance is a serious violation, which incurs a fine of 850 hryvnias.

Legal experts additionally emphasize the necessity of insurance even for newly acquired vehicles that are not yet registered with the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For these situations, there are special short-term insurance products for 10-15 days, which help avoid potential financial sanctions.

Let us remind you that important changes for drivers are being prepared in Ukraine.

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