Consequences of the Grant Madness of the USA and Europe for Ukraine.

Grant Madness: Consequences for Ukraine
Вплив грантової політики Заходу на розвиток України: нові виклики та можливості.

I gladly welcome the cessation of USAID grant projects.

Now there will be an opportunity for many people to implement their ideas in real market conditions. 'Media detectors', gender initiatives, leftist publications, music bands, activists — welcome to the real world. I hope that Trump will stop the funding and such social and media madness will become a thing of the past. All of this happened at the expense of American taxpayers. Then it will be Europe's turn, which will also stop funding this madness.

Grants made Ukraine a dependent state, as the elite did not understand the true goals and deepened the budget hole. Grants served the interests of the USA and Europe. This led to the emergence of a large number of grant recipients who were far from the real economic process but had a significant impact on the perception of Ukraine.

Ukraine pays a high price in this war with Russia. Therefore, Trump's decision will bring many closer to the reality and discomfort in which they have been for decades. This affects the interests of the USA and Europe, as they have created a generation of activists and politicians who do not perform real tasks.

The alliance of grant recipients and corrupt officials gave rise to the Second Ukrainian Republic. The corrupt elite used grant recipients as a cover for the policy of plundering the country. Grant recipients gained media and political power to deceive Ukrainians. Many of them believe in the correctness of such policies.

This policy made Ukraine a dependent country that cannot exist without external support. Once the support ends, Ukraine will face a fiscal crisis and lose the trust of the people after three years of war with Russia. This is a real tragedy for Ukraine and its most important problem. The state must rid itself of parasites and perform its functions, or it will perish.

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