The Ministry of Defense announced the release date of the application "Army+".

Ministry of Defense announces app release date
Ministry of Defense announces app release date

The application "Army+" will be released on August 8, 2024

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reported that on August 8, 2024, the "Army+" application will be released, which will simplify the work of the military and relieve them from paper load.

In the message of the Ministry of Defense, it is noted that "Army+" will allow transforming the Ukrainian army into the army of the future, ensuring the digitization of defense. The main goal is to free defenders from performing administrative duties and to provide them with work in the security sector.

Let us recall that on June 18, the government of Ukraine decided to use QR codes in the military registration document in electronic form, which will be active for a year. In addition, the military registration document will have the same legal force in both electronic and paper forms.

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