China has reduced imports of Russian coal due to sanctions.

Export report of coal from Russia
Китай значно знизив обсяги закупівель вугілля з Росії внаслідок введених санкцій.

China has decreased purchases of Russian coal but increased imports from other suppliers

The largest coal importer in the world - China, has reduced imports of Russian coal in 2024. Instead, it has increased imports from other key suppliers, particularly from Australia. This year has set records for coal imports.

According to Reuters, China has purchased 547.2 million tons of coal, accounting for 41% of global trade. Overall coal imports have risen by 14.4%. Imports from Indonesia have increased by 8% to 236.99 million tons.

Russia remains the second-largest supplier of coal to China, but its shipments have decreased due to sanctions and tariffs. Australian exporters have become the biggest beneficiaries of record imports. Supplies from Australia have increased by 59% to 83.24 million tons.

Mongolia has also increased its coal imports to China by 19% to 82.82 million tons. However, it has fallen behind Australia in terms of supply volume.

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