Up to 160 hryvnias: how the prices for oranges, tangerines, and lemons have changed before the New Year holidays.

The prices for citrus products changed at the beginning of December and are approaching the Christmas holidays. According to the Minfin portal, the average cost of a kilogram of tangerines is 86.15 UAH. In MegaMarket, the price is higher - 113.40 UAH/kg, while in Auchan it is the lowest - 79.90 UAH/kg. Spanish tangerines currently cost 159.34 UAH/kg, which is more expensive than last month when the price was 134.90 UAH/kg. The price of clementines has decreased from 85.03 UAH/kg to 68.90 UAH/kg.
Oranges have also become cheaper - from 93.43 UAH/kg to 77.90 UAH/kg. Egyptian oranges cost 69.90 UAH/kg, which is also lower than before - 74.90 UAH/kg. Premium oranges have increased in price from 72.79 UAH/kg to 84.50 UAH/kg.
The prices for lemons have also risen from 67.12 UAH/kg to 71.56 UAH/kg. In MegaMarket, they are the most expensive - 97.20 UAH/kg, while in Novus - the cheapest - 52.99 UAH/kg.
We remind you that the National Bank of Ukraine predicts price changes in the coming years.
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