DBR reported on the investigation of crimes against national security.

DBR investigates crimes against national security
Розслідування злочинів проти державної безпеки триває активно.

DBR investigated over 2.4 thousand crimes against national security

During the Time of the war between Russia and Ukraine, the State Bureau of Investigations has investigated 2,454 criminal proceedings regarding crimes against the national security of our state.

In particular, 1,767 proceedings were launched for state treason, 526 proceedings for collaboration activities, 45 proceedings regarding accomplices of the aggressor state, and others.

At the moment, as a result of pre-trial investigations, 1,274 individuals were notified of suspicion, 518 individuals have been declared wanted, 1,308 individuals are being checked for involvement in state treason and collaboration activities, and 1,034 indictments have been sent to court.

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