International Legion Fighter Reveals the Main Weakness of the Russian Army.

International Legion Fighter Shows the Russian Army
Боець Міжнародного легіону ділиться важливою інформацією про вразливі місця в армії РФ.

Military Murray: The Ukrainian Army Has Advantages Over Russians

Ukrainian commanders value human life and do not risk their fighters as the Russians do
The Ukrainian army has a technological advantage, especially in the use of drones, artillery, and tanks

Military Murray, the commander of a company in the International Legion of Ukraine, emphasized the advantages of Ukrainian troops in the war against Russia. According to him, Ukrainian commanders truly value the lives of their fighters and do not risk them as the Russians do. They protect the lives of their soldiers to prevent unnecessary losses.

Additionally, the American military noted that the Ukrainian army has a significant technological advantage, especially in the use of drones, artillery, and tanks. This advantage allows them to fight effectively against the Russian army and maintain control over territories, exhausting the enemy's strength.

At the same Time, Murray talked about views on the Russian army. He noted that some Russian units are well-trained and skilled; however, many of them face low morale and poor supply. In such cases, in his opinion, there is no sense in risking the lives of Ukrainian fighters and it is better to wait until the enemy surrenders.

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