Bitcoin has returned to a price of over $100,000.

Bitcoin rises to over $100,000
Біткоїн знову перетворився на символ фінансового успіху, подолавши позначку в 100,000 доларів.

Bitcoin exceeds the $100,000 mark in the stock market

The price of Bitcoin in the stock market has exceeded the $100,000 mark for the first Time in two weeks. This has led to an increase in demand for risky assets.

According to Bloomberg, the value of the original cryptocurrency currently stands at $102,504, which is 4.1% higher. Over the week, the price of Bitcoin rose by 5.66%, the highest increase since November 24.

Historical record and later halt of growth

At the beginning of December last year, the price of Bitcoin reached a historical maximum of $108,315. However, since then, the price increase has stopped as investors sought to secure their profits.

Change in situation and investments in exchange-traded funds

The change occurred as on Friday, investors poured $908 million into U.S. exchange-traded funds that trade Bitcoin. This amount marked the fifth-largest influx for the group since its inception in January 2024. Previously, these funds recorded a record outflow of $680 million on December 19.

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