Gas Stations in Kyiv Region Set New Fuel Prices: How Much Gasoline, Diesel, and Autogas Will Cost.

Gas Stations in Kyiv Region - New Fuel Prices
Нові тарифи на пальне: що очікувати водіям у Київській області?

Gasoline, diesel fuel, and autogas prices have changed at gas stations in the Kyiv region. This is shown by data from the site

Gasoline A-98 costs 52 UAH/l.

The sale of premium gasoline A-95+ varies from 55.49 UAH/l to 60.99 UAH/l depending on the gas station. The average price is 58.24 UAH/l.

Gasoline A-95 costs approximately 55.47 UAH/l. The lowest price is at the 'Avantage 7' station (51.95 UAH/l), while the highest is at 'OKKO', 'SOCAR', and 'WOG' stations (58.99 UAH/l).

A-92 is also available at a price of 54.09 UAH/l and the cheapest A-80 at 17.99 UAH/l.

The average price for diesel fuel is 52.99 UAH/l. The lowest price is at the 'Marshal' station (48.49 UAH/l), while in networks, the price reaches 57.49 UAH/l. Improved diesel costs about 57.50 UAH/l.

Autogas remains the most economical option with a price of 35.89 UAH/l. The lowest price is at the 'Parallel' station (33.79 UAH/l), while the highest at major gas stations is around 38 UAH/l.

We remind you of the places where you can refuel gasoline, diesel fuel, and autogas profitably in the Kyiv region.

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