6.48 hryvnias per kilowatt: how electricity tariffs will change for Ukrainians from April 1.

Calculation of electricity costs in Ukraine
Calculation of electricity costs in Ukraine

Electricity tariffs in Ukraine from April 1

Ukrainians have been announced new electricity tariffs starting from April 1. According to government resolution No. 632, the maximum price for electricity can reach 6.48 UAH per kWh. However, this price does not apply equally to all consumers.

The base tariff of 4.32 UAH/kWh will remain for most Ukrainians living in apartments, private houses, and dormitories. This price will be in effect until the end of April 2025, and there are no plans for its review.

For those using three-zone meters, the situation will be different. During peak hours, one will have to pay 6.48 UAH/kWh, during semi-peak hours - 4.34 UAH/kWh, and at night - 1.728 UAH/kWh.

Households with two-zone meters will also benefit from savings. They will be able to use a preferential tariff of 2.16 UAH/kWh at night.

There are special conditions for households that have electric heating. They can use up to 2000 kWh per month at a reduced rate of 2.64 UAH/kWh. If usage exceeds this limit, they will have to pay at the standard tariff - 4.32 UAH/kWh.

Overall, the amount in electricity bills will depend on the type of meter and the Time of electricity usage.

Earlier, an expert explained how much people pay for utilities in Europe.

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