The West is not ready for a third world war that is already looming – WSJ.

Combat helicopter of the security service
Combat helicopter of the security service

According to information from The Wall Street Journal, the world is at a crossroads of a Third World War, but many people are not aware of it. Ukraine is in a full-scale war, and conflicts in the Middle East and East Asia threaten the global order.

«We are actually in an era of global confrontation. The violence taking place in the world shows that there are no longer isolated conflicts, and it is impossible to resolve them separately. There is a common attempt to destroy the international order, and we must do everything possible to prevent this,» – said Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky.

The political atmosphere is changing

Over the past ten years, Russia and China have kept their joint actions against the USA and EU regarding sanctions against Iran and North Korea under wraps. Today, these two autocratic regimes have united against the West.

The situation became critical after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, after which Moscow, Tehran, Beijing, and Pyongyang created an alliance aimed at destroying Ukraine. The West has failed to prevent this cooperation, which has only intensified Russia's aggression.

«The rivalry between major powers is intensifying and dividing the world. Soon, we will probably witness the Third World War. We already have the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and the conflict in Gaza and Syria has just started. We need to be very careful to avoid even more violence,» – stated analyst Wang Huiyao.

Aspirations for revisionism

Russia and China have plans to reclaim their past imperial glory and expand their spheres of influence beyond their borders. They view the rules-based international order as a tool of American domination. Russia and China believe that the West's influence is declining as the role of Western democracies in the global economy and population diminishes.

Unpreparedness for conflict

Meanwhile, autocrats are uniting, the West is gradually falling apart, and facing potential conflicts, as the American president has declared a policy of self-isolation.

«At this stage, autocracies are probably more united than democracies. This is a struggle between autocracies and democracies, and autocracies have the advantage,» – noted General Onno Eihelsheim.

Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea have different political systems, but the common goal of confronting the West has been underestimated. According to expert assessments, this was a strategic mistake.

Most analysts agree that the world is on the brink of a Third World War and must be prepared for it. However, the West does not have enough strength to deal with autocratic regimes.

Russia and China are growing stronger, while the USA is not yet ready to provide its allies with military support, posing a threat to global security. Experts are calling for real efforts to ensure security and prevent military conflicts.

Expectations that Russian President Vladimir Putin will change his rhetoric, repent, or stop aggression are unlikely. Foreign diplomats believe that Putin consciously escalates tensions and threats of nuclear war in hopes of causing anxiety and capitulation in the West.

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