From 63 hryvnias: Metro, Varus and Auchan have changed prices for eggs, butter and sunflower oil.

Price changes for eggs, butter and sunflower oil
Ціни на яйця, масло та соняшникову олію змінилися в мережах «Метро», «Варус» та «Ашан», починаючи з 63 гривень.

Prices for eggs and butter have changed in supermarkets

Everyone who visits supermarkets has noticed changes in the prices of chicken eggs, butter and sunflower oil since the beginning of January 2025. This information was published on the website of the Ministry of Finance.

A significant decrease in prices is observed for eggs. In particular, the price for a dozen eggs of the 'Kvochka' brand of category C1 has decreased from 78.40 to 63.90 UAH on average. Similar changes have occurred with prices for other brands, for example, a dozen of 'Yasensvit' eggs now costs 69.60 UAH instead of 78.06, and a pack of 30 eggs is priced at 200.55 UAH instead of 235.90 UAH.

Prices for butter have slightly increased. 'Selyanske' butter has almost not changed in price, while 'Yahotynske' butter has risen from 102.95 to 104.95 UAH.

The cost of sunflower oil has also noticeably increased. For example, the price for refined oil 'Oleina' has increased from 65.87 to 69.00 UAH, while 'Shchedry Dar' now costs 74.76 UAH instead of 73.46 UAH.

Overall, since the beginning of the year, consumers have become more attentive to food prices in supermarkets.

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