From 60 hryvnias per kilo: how prices for mandarins, oranges, and lemons differ in supermarkets and markets.

According to the Minfin portal, Ukrainian citizens compared prices for mandarins, oranges, and lemons in supermarkets and markets.
Autumn is ending, and more and more Ukrainians are turning to citrus fruits, which are not only delicious but also healthy. But where is it more profitable to buy these fruits - in a supermarket or at a market? Let's figure it out together.
Prices in supermarkets
Mandarins are sold at an average price of 91.42 UAH per kilo, which is cheaper than in October - 98.61 UAH/kg.
The price for clementines has decreased from 111.19 UAH/kg to 79.90 UAH/kg.
Oranges cost an average of 99.90 UAH/kg, which is more expensive than last month - 85.61 UAH/kg. However, oranges from Egypt now cost 69.90 UAH/kg. The premium variety has dropped to 89.00 UAH/kg.
Lemon prices have decreased from 76.65 UAH/kg to 62.13 UAH/kg.
Prices at the Capital Market
Here, mandarins from Turkey can be found from 60 to 140 hryvnias per kilo.
Orange prices range from 75 to 85 UAH per kilo.
Lemons are sold from 65 to 75 UAH per kilo.
Prices at the Odesa Market 'Start'
In Odesa, oranges are sold from 120 to 140 UAH per kilo.
Mandarins cost from 150 to 200 hryvnias per kilogram.
Lemons can be purchased for a price from 100 to 110 UAH per kilo.
Let’s recall how prices for salt, sugar, and flour changed at the end of November.
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