In Ukraine, the rules for returning goods have changed: a list of products that cannot be exchanged.

List of non-exchangeable items
List of non-exchangeable items

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved a new list of goods that consumers will not be able to return or exchange in stores.

This was reported by the representative of the government in the Verkhovna Rada Taras Melnychuk.

According to the new rules, consumers will not be able to return or exchange food products, medicines, personal hygiene products, cosmetic products, and detergents.

It is important to note that the restriction applies to goods without protective packaging that prevents free access to them. The ban also applies to goods that have been cut or tailored to the individual sizes of the consumer.

The new rules were adopted in accordance with part five of article 5 of the Law of Ukraine "On Consumer Protection" dated 10.06.2023 №3153-IX. Meanwhile, the previous resolution of the Cabinet from 19.03.1994 №172 has become invalid.

Also, let us remind: Ukrainians have started spending less on products - what they are saving on.

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