In Ukraine, the prices of sausages and cheese have changed after the holidays: the new prices have been announced.

New prices for sausages and cheese
Після свят в Україну прийшли нові ціни на ковбаси та сири: споживачі вже помітили зміни.

After the New Year holidays in Ukraine, prices for sausages and hard cheese have changed, reports the Minfin portal.

According to the Minfin portal's report, after the New Year holidays ended, discounts became relevant for some types of sausages and cheese. In particular, the price of boiled sausage 'Alan Doctor's' decreased from 432.27 UAH to 414.27 UAH per 1 kg. At the same Time, 'Auchan Doctor's' increased slightly, from 320.81 UAH/kg to 344.90 UAH/kg. Prices for hard cheese also decreased: 'Zveny Hora Dutch' 45% - from 526.36 UAH to 510.59 UAH per 1 kg, 'Como Traditional' 50% - from 477.86 UAH to 465.67 UAH per 1 kg.

The new prices for products are relevant from the beginning of January. Previously, information was published regarding the prices of apples and grapes in winter.

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