Ukrainians Explained How to Sell a Leased Land Share.

Sale of leased land share in Ukraine
Sale of leased land share in Ukraine

As of July 1, 2021, Ukrainians can sell land shares that are leased

According to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, the tenant has a preferential right to purchase the land they are leasing. If this procedure is not followed, legal disputes may arise.

In order to legally sell the shares, the owner must submit a statement of intent to sell and a draft contract to the notary 2 months before the sale. The notary has 3 working days to inform the tenant of the owner's intent and the terms of the sale.

Upon receiving information from the notary, the tenant has one month to express their desire to exercise their preferential right. If the tenant does not respond in Time, refuses, or does not appear to sign the contract, the owner can sell the plot to another person.

The preferential right is lost if the tenant did not respond in time, declined the agreement, or did not appear to sign. In this case, the owner can sell the plot to another person.

If the tenant cannot purchase the plot, they have the right to transfer their preferential right to another person. However, further transfer of this right is prohibited.

If the preferential right has been violated, the tenant can demand through the court to transfer the buyer's rights to themselves by depositing the corresponding amount into the court's account.

The new landowner is obliged to inform the tenants about the change in ownership within a month. At the same time, the change of the landlord does not affect the terms of the existing lease agreement.

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