The NCRECP explained the situation with gas prices after the transit cessation.

Gas price graphic after the cessation of transit
Gas price graphic after the cessation of transit

The National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Public Utilities (NCRECP) officially denied the information about a possible increase in gas tariffs for the population.

According to the regulator, the current gas tariff for household consumers remains unchanged. The NCRECP's decision regarding new tariffs for gas transportation will not affect Ukrainians' bills.

Changes in gas transportation tariffs

On December 30, 2024, the commission approved new tariffs for the natural gas transportation services for LLC 'Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine'. These tariffs will be in effect from 2025 to 2029 and take into account the cessation of Russian gas transit through Ukraine starting January 1, 2025.

NCRECP also notes that the cost of gas distribution remains unchanged. The moratorium on increasing tariffs for the population for gas and heating, introduced in 2022, continues to be in effect. Accordingly, the cost of hot water and heating will remain unchanged.

The regulator urged the media to responsibly spread information about tariffs and avoid speculation on this socially important topic.

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