Germany announced a large-scale refugee status check: what threatens Ukrainians.

Ukrainian refugees in Germany undergoing a large-scale check
Німеччина розпочала масову перевірку статусу біженців: які ризики чекають на українців.

Germany will conduct a check on refugee status

The Federal Agency for Migration and Refugees of Germany (BAMF) may initiate a procedure to check refugee status, known as Widerrufsverfahren. It is important to note that this concerns refugee status specifically, rather than the temporary protection that most Ukrainians in Germany are utilizing, as reported by NV.

'The status of a person granted asylum may be revoked if the reasons for which they received refugee status are no longer relevant. For example, if conditions in the refugee's homeland have improved, or if their personal situation has changed,' states German legislation.

BAMF conducts a scheduled check of the need for protective status no less than once every three years after a person has received such status. An unscheduled check may also occur if there is a significant improvement in the situation in the person's homeland or if their personal circumstances change, such as a visit to their homeland, reaching adulthood, changes in health status, or religious beliefs.

If the check procedure begins, BAMF will send a corresponding notification by mail and may require the provision of documents, medical reports, fingerprints, or personal presence at hearings. In case of refusal to cooperate, a fine may be imposed, and the decision regarding status will be made without the participation of the refugee.

If the status is revoked, the person has the right to appeal this decision in an administrative court within two weeks. Experts recommend immediately consulting a lawyer or legal advisor upon receiving notification of the start of the check procedure.

'You can independently request all the information collected about you from the migration office - this is called Akteneinsicht beantragen. This will allow you to find out what information the office holds about you,' advise migration law specialists.

Previously, Eurostat showed the countries with the largest number of Ukrainian refugees.

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