Europe Refuses to Accept One of the Euro Banknotes: What You Need to Know.

One euro banknote with refusal
Європейські країни відмовляються визнавати одну з банкнот євро: важливі деталі для громадян.

Ukrainians have been informed about banknotes that are no longer in use in Europe. This was reported by the European Central Bank.

The European Central Bank has discontinued the 500 euro banknote due to its use by fraudsters and its rare application in legitimate trade operations. However, existing 500 euro banknotes remain legal tender.

Currently, the European Central Bank continues to issue banknotes from 5 to 200 euros and coins from 1 cent to 2 euros.

It is also worth noting that when exchanging dollars at banks, it is important for the banknotes to be in good condition, as banks may refuse to exchange them with minimal damage.

The safest way to exchange currency is through official banks, where the authenticity of banknotes is verified. According to the National Bank of Ukraine, the number of counterfeits is about 3.4 per million genuine banknotes.

Considering the new NBU rules, banks are not allowed to refuse to exchange currency based on its denomination or year of issuance. For repeated violations of these requirements, banks will face fines of up to 400,000 hryvnias.

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