TCU and VLK under new rules: conscripts will be given the right to choose.

Conscripted individuals with the right to choose
В умовах нових правил призов, громадяни отримують можливість обирати свою долю.

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is changing military registration rules

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has announced a large-scale reform of the military registration system, which includes the principle of extraterritoriality. The details of the innovations were revealed by Deputy Minister of Defense for Digital Development Kateryna Chernohorenko, as reported by Ukrinform.

The main change will allow conscripted citizens to interact with recruitment centers and military medical commissions regardless of their place of primary registration. '

We want to remove the restrictions related to the requirement to apply specifically to that Recruitment Center and Conscription Service where the individual is registered'
, - emphasized Ms. Chernohorenko.

It is expected that by the summer of 2025, citizens will have the opportunity to undergo medical examinations at any comfortable healthcare facility - from state clinics to private clinics. The technical implementation will be possible thanks to the creation of a single state register 'Oberih', which will ensure information interaction between recruitment centers.

In addition, an important component of the reform is ensuring cybersecurity. A representative of the Ministry of Defense assured that the system architecture does not involve storing personal data of conscripts on servers, and access to the system occurs via a secure application 'Reservist+'.

The initiative is supported by the General Staff, the Office of the President of Ukraine, and the Cabinet of Ministers. The reform is aimed at creating a more flexible, transparent, and convenient military registration system.

Currently, preparatory technical and organizational work is underway for the implementation of the new approach. Initial changes are expected in the near future.

Earlier, Ukrainians were explained when it is possible not to appear for a summons to undergo the VLK.

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