Surprise for drivers: why Chinese cars could become a problem in 5 years.

Aging Chinese cars are becoming a problem
Непередбачена ситуація для автомобілістів: які труднощі можуть виникнути з китайськими автівками через п'ять років

The popularity of Chinese cars in Ukraine is rapidly growing, but this may have negative consequences for their owners. According to automotive expert Yevhen Yermolov, people who buy Chinese cars face risks due to the lack of operational experience, issues with spare parts, warranty, and service maintenance. The expert also pointed out the future value of Chinese cars and the quality of their components.

Despite the fact that Chinese cars have significantly improved, their main advantage remains the low price. However, potential buyers should understand all possible risks and consider the long-term prospects of owning a car, warns Yermolov.

It has also become known that shares of Asian automakers have dropped due to Trump's new customs policy.

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