Supermarkets set new prices for oranges, lemons and bananas.

Prices for oranges, lemons and bananas
Prices for oranges, lemons and bananas

Oranges, lemons, and bananas prices for November were published by supermarkets. According to the Minfin portal, this month is a period of increased citrus consumption by Ukrainians, as they contain a lot of vitamin C and other beneficial substances that help strengthen the immune system and fight seasonal diseases.

Prices for citrus fruits

In November, fruit prices showed mixed dynamics compared to October. The average price for oranges increased to 97.40 UAH/kg, Egyptian oranges can be purchased for 84.90 UAH/kg.

A pleasant piece of news for consumers is the decrease in lemon prices, with an average cost of 70.20 UAH/kg, which is 6.45 UAH lower than in October.

As for bananas, although their price increased slightly, they are still popular among buyers. The average price in November is 62.00 UAH/kg compared to 59.62 UAH/kg in October.

It is worth mentioning that this autumn Ukrainians faced a sharp increase in egg prices.

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