Concerns all gas consumers: Naftogaz noted that Ukrainians are obliged to report gas meter readings every month.

Ukrainians are obliged to regularly pay for gas
Споживачі газу в Україні мають щомісяця надавати показання лічильників газу, повідомляє Нафтогаз.

NAK 'Naftogaz of Ukraine' explained why it is necessary to report gas meter readings

NAK 'Naftogaz of Ukraine' clarified that gas consumers must report gas meter readings to gas distribution network operators every month. This requirement is stipulated in the Gas Distribution System Code, adopted by the NEURC in 2015.

The company NAK 'Naftogaz of Ukraine' explained: 'A household consumer who pays for gas according to the distribution contract is obliged to take the actual gas meter readings as of the 1st of the month and submit them to the gas distribution network operator by the 5th of the same month.'

Naftogaz also noted that they, as a gas supplier, receive consumption data only from the information platform of the GTSOU, which is uploaded by the gas distribution network operator.

It is important to note that the meter readings are stored by the respective gas distribution network operator, which is responsible for accounting and billing of gas volumes.

Earlier, Naftogaz provided information on applying for a subsidy when purchasing a home.

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