Food prices in Ukraine rose by 15% over the year, some by twice as much.

Prices in Ukraine increased by 15% over the year
Prices in Ukraine increased by 15% over the year

Food prices increased by 15.2% in December 2024

According to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, in December 2024, the average prices for food and non-alcoholic beverages rose by 15.2% compared to December of last year.

All categories of products showed a price increase. The largest price hikes were observed in butter - 32.2%, sunflower oil - 31.1%, and vegetables - 29.4%.

Prices for bread significantly increased, rising by 20.6%, milk - by 18.3%, cheese and cottage cheese - by 17.9%, and bakery products - by 17%. Non-alcoholic beverages also saw a significant price rise - by 15.6%.

'All food products without exception showed a price increase compared to last year,' the State Statistics Service notes.

A less significant but still noticeable price increase occurred for fruits - by 14.1%, fish and fish products - by 13.1%, and pasta - by 11.2%. Meat and meat products rose by 6.8%, sugar - by 4.3%, and the smallest increase was for eggs - only by 1.8%.

It has also become known how many Ukrainians cannot afford basic food products: the expert shocked with statistics.

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