Significant changes await drivers in Poland in 2025: Ukrainians will be affected too.

Significant changes await drivers in Poland
Significant changes await drivers in Poland

Starting in 2025, drivers in Poland are expected to face new rules that may lead to the loss of their driving licenses.

The Polish Ministry of Infrastructure has prepared a draft law that envisions significant changes in traffic rules. These changes will affect various categories of drivers, including beginners, foreigners, offenders, and even drivers of agricultural machinery. The goal of the new rules is to enhance road safety and prevent serious violations.


One of the main changes coming into effect in 2025 will be the strengthening of penalties for speeding. Drivers who exceed the speed limit by more than 50 km/h will have their licenses revoked for three months. This rule will apply both in urban areas and outside of them.

In particular, the planned changes are as follows:

  • driver's licenses will be revoked for speeding more than 50 km/h both in populated areas and on single-lane roads with two-way traffic;
  • speeding more than 50 km/h on highways and expressways will be punished with fines and penalty points, as is currently the case.

The restoration of driving licenses will depend on the compliance with the conditions set for the driver. Additionally, if a driver continues to operate a vehicle despite the temporary revocation of their license, they risk completely losing their license.

Penalty points

Drivers have the right to take a traffic safety course that allows them to reduce the number of penalty points by six, once every six months. However, changes will end the possibility of reducing penalty points for the most serious violations that pose a danger to road safety.

Obtaining licenses by foreigners

Changes will also affect the procedure for obtaining driver's licenses by foreigners, including Ukrainian refugees who wish to become drivers, such as taxi drivers. Currently, foreigners must wait 185 days after arriving in Poland to apply for a license. The planned changes will allow foreigners to apply earlier, but they still must have resident status before obtaining driver's licenses.

Licenses for 17-year-olds

Young drivers aged 17 will be allowed to drive a car only if accompanied by an adult for half a year or until they reach adulthood. Moreover, the accompanying adult must be healthy and sober. Additionally, the accompanying adult must be at least 24 years old, have at least 5 years of 'B' category driving experience, and have no bans on driving vehicles for the last 5 years. If a 17-year-old driver is at the wheel, sobriety checks also apply to passengers.

Probationary period

Drivers who have recently obtained their driver's licenses will be subjected to restrictions for 2 years. During this period, they are allowed to drive with certain limitations: on highways and expressways, the speed limit is 100 km/h, on regular roads outside populated areas - 80 km/h, and in populated areas - 50 km/h. Drivers in the probationary period are prohibited from carrying taxi passengers or performing hired transport, and a zero alcohol level in the body is allowed while driving. These restrictions are being introduced due to the high accident statistics caused by inexperienced drivers.


The draft law provides for an increase in the permissible speed for agricultural tractors from 30 km/h to 40 km/h. The argument from the authors of the draft bill is that modern tractors are safer than older models.


The new rules provide for the relaxation of limitations on the entrepreneurial activities of traffic examiners. They will now be allowed to combine conducting exams with working as instructors in driving schools.

The new rules are set to take effect in 2025, after approval by the government and the Sejm. However, by the end of March 2025, the draft law may be revised and discussed.

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