A 'sand flower' sign has appeared on the roads: drivers explained what the new sign means.

A 'sand flower' sign has appeared on the road
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A new road sign featuring a sand flower has appeared in France

France has installed a new road sign that may surprise drivers - it looks like a sand flower on a white background. These signs are placed near protected areas and reserves to remind drivers to treat nature with care. When seeing such a sign, the driver must reduce speed, be quieter, and of course, not litter. The main goal is to protect nature and animals in special natural zones.

'This sign, which was recently added to the Traffic Rules, is characterized by its clear message: drive your vehicle with respect for the environment. Effectively placed near nature reserves or protective zones, it plays a key role in preserving local biodiversity. Therefore, drivers are urged to slow down, not throw anything out of the window, and respect the environment,' the message states.

This step was made by local authorities to protect plant and animal life, as well as to reduce the risk of hitting animals that live in reserves.

Let us remind you that drivers were warned about tricks at gas stations.

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