We are relatives. Actor Bohdanovych spoke for the first time about his cosmetologist wife.

We are relatives. The actor and his cosmetologist wife
We are relatives. The actor and his cosmetologist wife

People's Artist of Ukraine spoke about his cosmetologist wife

Olexiy Bohdanovych, People's Artist of Ukraine and actor of theater and cinema, shared information about his wife for the first Time in an interview for 'Glavkom'. He revealed that his partner is a cosmetologist.

Although Bohdanovych does not usually talk about his personal life, he stated: 'I have the same as any other person. I am nothing special. We have the same family as everyone else. Let me say: my wife is a cosmetologist. She is a very wonderful person. We have lived together for so much time that moments of friction and misunderstandings are behind us. We have become relatives,' the artist said.

The actor noted that he has never been curious about how other people live, as he believes that family life is similar for everyone, so there is no need to interfere in others' affairs. Instead, Bohdanovych is interested in understanding a person's thoughts, their inner motivations, and psychology.

'I am not interested in who sleeps with whom. But I will say about my wife: we are relatives,' Bohdanovych concluded.

Olexiy Bohdanovych admitted that his wife advises him on rejuvenating procedures, including blepharoplasty. The actor feels middle-aged around 40 and accepts his aging without panic.

It should be noted that Olexiy Bohdanovych feels middle-aged around 40 and accepts his aging without panic: 'Of course, I would like to extend the middle age period, but nature takes its course. Whether you like it or not, you understand that you cannot escape this. It seems that Lyubov Orlova, when she turned 37, said: 'Now I will be 37 and not a day more.' But that is a woman; women have a different psychology.'

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