Mayor of Ivano-Frankivsk announced the installation of a Christmas tree and faced hate.

Mayor of Ivano-Frankivsk with a Christmas tree
Mayor of Ivano-Frankivsk with a Christmas tree

In Ivano-Frankivsk, a Christmas tree is planned to be installed for the festive season

The city's mayor, Ruslan Martsinkiv, announced plans to install a Christmas tree for the festive season in Ivano-Frankivsk. However, not all residents support this idea.

According to the mayor, the tree will be artificial and will stand in the square near the city lake. He believes that "children deserve a Christmas miracle," and therefore, the tree will be installed.

Debates have erupted in the comments under the announcement. Some residents support this decision, claiming it will create a festive atmosphere for children. Others condemn it and warn about redirecting funds to treat Ukraine's defenders.

Most residents of Ivano-Frankivsk believe that the "atmosphere for children" can be created at home, in school, or in kindergarten, and the money spent on the tree should be better directed towards the treatment of defenders.

Some residents also criticize the mayor for the uninitiated heating.

It is worth recalling that in September of this year, Ruslan Martsinkiv announced that language inspectors would begin working in the city to counter the spread of the Russian language.

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