How to get onto the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

How to get onto the Hollywood Walk of Fame
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Every self-respecting Hollywood actor dreams of receiving that very star on the Walk of Fame. However, the question of how to get onto the Walk of Fame intrigues everyone. After all, it's not that easy to achieve.

Fans of various actors and actresses also question which actors are on the Walk of Fame. Even popularity does not guarantee that one will manage to get their star.

How do you get onto the Walk of Fame in Hollywood?

how to get onto the Walk of Fame

First of all, the Hollywood Walk of Fame is a cult place that embodies the recognition of achievements in the entertainment industry. It attracts millions of tourists, but for many, it remains a mystery how one can become the owner of a star on the famous tiles.

However, not all celebrities can easily obtain such a star. To dig deeper, the Walk of Fame (Hollywood Walk of Fame) is a sidewalk on Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street in Los Angeles, where more than 2,700 stars commemorate the achievements of outstanding individuals in film, television, music, radio, and theater. The first star was installed in 1960, and this tradition continues.

actors on the Walk of Fame

In general, each celebrity receives their star for a special contribution to the entertainment industry. However, the process of obtaining this award is not as simple as it seems. It is a quite complicated procedure.

Who can get a star on the Walk of Fame?

First, you need to enter the list of candidates, and only then go through some verification. This means that not all popular stars even make it onto the list of candidates. Candidates for a star can be individuals or groups who have made significant contributions in one or more of the following categories:

  1. Film industry. This refers to outstanding actors, directors, and screenwriters.
  2. Television. This category includes actors of the shows that air on TV.
  3. Music industry. These are performers, composers, and producers.
  4. Radio. This includes hosts and radio personalities.

There is another category in which you can receive a star on the Walk of Fame. This is theater and live performances. This category includes outstanding figures of the stage.

how to get onto the Walk of Fame

There is also the possibility of posthumous awards, but on the condition that at least five years have passed since the candidate's death.

How to submit an application?

To receive a star, you must submit an official application. This can be done by the candidate themselves, their representative, or a fan club.

What is included in this application:

  1. You need to find the nomination form. It's standard. You can find it on the official website of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce.
  2. Next, you need to attach your biography. This is a description of the career and achievements.
  3. You also need to attach a photo.

The nominee must give their consent. Essentially, the candidate must confirm their willingness to receive a star.

Applications are usually completed by the end of May each year. Otherwise, it rolls over to the next year.

Who decides who gets a star?

how to get onto the Hollywood Walk of Fame

All applications are reviewed by a special committee of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce. It consists of representatives from various entertainment categories. The committee evaluates the candidates' contributions, popularity, public recognition, and their impact on the development of the industry.

It should also be noted how much you need to pay to submit an application. After all, obtaining a star requires financial investment. The total amount for 2025 is about 75,000 dollars. This money covers:

  1. The creation of the star itself.
  2. The installation of this star.
  3. The maintenance of the star over Time.

These expenses are usually covered by the nominee, their producers, or fans.

If all these procedures are resolved, the next step is organizing the opening ceremony of the star on the Walk of Fame.


If the candidate is approved, a ceremonial opening of the star is organized. It usually takes place within a year after the application is approved. Journalists, fans, and representatives of the industry are invited to the ceremony. This is not only a tribute but also a great PR event for the nominee.

A few more words should be said about those stars that are outside the entertainment industry. Although the stars on the Walk of Fame mainly belong to figures in the arts, there are exceptions. For example, characters (Mickey Mouse, Godzilla) and even brands (Disney) are awarded. This emphasizes the universality and global significance of the Walk of Fame.

Truth or Fiction: A Few Myths About the Star on the Walk of Fame

There are many myths around the stars on the Walk of Fame. After all, the very procedure for receiving a star is quite convoluted. However, when dispelling these myths, it must be stated that not only the most talented receive their star. A star is not only recognition of achievements but also a way to enhance an image. Some stars become marketing tools. In other words, it is enough to be a recognizable person.

who can get onto the Walk of Fame

There is also a misconception that the star is given completely free of charge. In reality, this is not so. It requires serious financial investments.

Another myth that still exists is that it is enough to be famous to receive a star. Even world-famous celebrities must go through the nomination process and obtain approval.

There are also cases when celebrities refuse their star. The reasons can vary, but some can be highlighted:

  1. Desire to avoid unnecessary attention.
  2. Unwillingness to spend money on installation.
  3. Disagreement with the committee's policy.

In other words, a celebrity may refuse a star on the Walk of Fame, and this happens quite often.

Overall, getting onto the Walk of Fame in Hollywood is a dream, but not for everyone. It requires not only talent but also financial investments, fan support, and committee approval. However, for those who achieve this goal, the star becomes a symbol of recognition and an immortal contribution to the entertainment industry.

Moreover, the Walk of Fame remains popular, and it is often visited by tourists. It is a kind of tradition that many foreigners know. As soon as they visit Hollywood, they immediately head to the Walk of Fame. It's a tradition that has lived on for many years.

Additionally, obtaining a star on the Walk of Fame is still popular and prestigious. Therefore, many stars still strive to get their mark on the famous Walk.

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