Rains and Cooling: The Hydrometeorological Center Tells About the Weather in Kyiv Region.

Rainfall and cooling in Kyiv region
Rainfall and cooling in Kyiv region

Weather in Kyiv Region on Wednesday, October 16:

According to the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, changeable weather is expected in Kyiv Region on October 16. Throughout the day, there will be variable cloudiness, and a slight rain is possible at night, which will end by morning. The wind will be northwesterly, of moderate strength. Air temperature will fluctuate depending on the Time of day.

Air Temperature:

  • At night: from +3 to +8 degrees
  • During the day: from +8 to +13 degrees

In Kyiv:

  • At night: from +4 to +6 degrees
  • During the day: around +10 degrees

Residents and guests of the Kyiv Region are advised to be prepared for cool weather and possible precipitation. It is recommended to have an umbrella and a warm jacket with you.

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