These banknotes will not be accepted: which dollars Ukrainians will no longer be able to exchange.

Image of incorrect money in Ukrainian currency
Гроші, які більше не прийматимуть: які долари стануть недійсними для обміну в Україні.

The National Bank of Ukraine has announced which dollars exchange offices refuse to accept. When exchanging currency, particularly US dollars, citizens of Ukraine may encounter difficulties. Some banks do not accept old or worn banknotes, however, it is important to remember that all currency exchange operations are regulated by the National Bank of Ukraine, and financial institutions must adhere to established rules.

Banks are entitled to refuse the exchange of foreign currency only in two cases: if the banknote is counterfeit or has serious damage or is worn out. In all other cases, refusal to exchange is unfounded.

'Counterfeit banknotes must be confiscated from the client and sent to the National Bank of Ukraine for examination. If the counterfeiting is confirmed, such banknotes are transferred to law enforcement agencies for investigation,' emphasized the National Bank.

Banknotes that are torn, cut, burned, rotten, rotten, have design damage, printing defects, changes in the original paper color or images, general contamination or contamination of half the banknote are also not accepted.

If a banknote cannot be accepted for regular exchange, there is a 'collection' service through which the bank sends such a banknote to a foreign partner bank for replacement. However, it is worth remembering that this service is chargeable, and there are problems with delivery due to the war in Ukraine.

The National Bank of Ukraine has established clear rules for regular currency exchange. Banks and exchange offices do not have the right to refuse to exchange unwearied banknotes, regardless of the year of their issue. This also applies to US dollars. Accordingly, all banknotes issued by the Federal Reserve System since 1914 are legal tender in Ukraine.

If a bank or exchange office improperly refuses to accept currency for exchange, you have the right to file a complaint with the National Bank of Ukraine. Upon receiving the complaint, the National Bank will conduct an inspection of the financial institution and, if violations are found, appropriate penalties will be imposed, including fines.

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