Anticyclone "Zayyan" brings special weather to Ukraine: weekend forecast.

Zayyan anticyclone brings unusual weather
Zayyan anticyclone brings unusual weather

According to meteorologist Ihor Kibalchych, from 9-10 November, the territory of Ukraine will experience a slow-moving anticyclone "Zayyan", which will lead to a lack of precipitation and hazardous meteorological phenomena. It is forecasted that the air temperature will be within the normal range, except for morning fog, which may reduce visibility on the roads.

On Saturday, 9 November, the western and central regions of Ukraine are expected to have variable cloudiness with a temperature range from -5°C to +4°C at night and from +6...+11°C during the day. The northern regions predict cloudy weather with clearings and a temperature from -2°C to +3°C at night and from +5...+10°C during the day. The warmest weather will be in the south of the country and in Crimea, where clouds and light precipitation are expected. The temperature here will be from +1...+6°C at night and from +7...+12°C during the day. In eastern Ukraine, variable cloudiness is forecasted with a temperature from -1°C to +4°C at night and from +5°C to +10°C during the day.

On Sunday, 10 November, the weather will change little, except for precipitation, which will only occur in the Odessa region. Wind speed will be moderate, strengthening to 10 m/s in the southern parts of the country.

More weather news can be found on our website.

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