Calling for the removal of children from parents consuming Russian media. A TV presenter in Lithuania has been dismissed.

Call to take away children from parents
Call to take away children from parents

The national broadcaster of Lithuania LRT has terminated its cooperation with TV presenter Algis Ramanauskas due to his statements regarding Russian influence. According to him, parents who listen to Russian music or watch Russian films should have their children taken away. This was reported by Delfi and LRT.

Ramanauskas expressed his thoughts to the nationalist party 'National Alliance' during an interview with their leader Vytautas Sinica in September of this year. He stated that children should be taken from families where parents watch Russian films and listen to Russian music.

«It's just a question of what to do first: take the children away and then shoot, or in front of the children... No, of course, take the children away», – said Ramanauskas.

The Lithuanian Human Rights Center and some political parties have appealed to law enforcement regarding Ramanauskas's statements. The Speaker of the country's parliament, Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, also condemns his remarks.

The presenter later apologized, stating that his words were directed not against Russian-speaking citizens of Lithuania, but against «Russified Lithuania». He also noted that he did not call for violence against Russian-speaking Lithuanians, but is not supportive of «Russkiy mir».

The prosecutor's office has also initiated an investigation into Ramanauskas's statements, accusing him of inciting violence and physical retribution based on nationality and language.

Representatives of the broadcaster stated that such statements do not meet standards and harm the reputation of LRT.

Russia's attack on NATO's eastern flank in 2027

According to a simulation conducted by a new generation military operations center, should the Russian army invade NATO's eastern flank, Lithuania would be occupied within 4 days. Russia will attack Lithuania from three directions: through occupied Latvia, Belarus, and Kaliningrad. Lithuanian allies will be forced to retreat.

Lithuania is using Ukraine's experience to prepare its troops in wartime conditions.

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