At the wheel is prohibited: from what age are drivers forbidden to drive a car.

Ukrainians have been clarified at what age one cannot get behind the wheel of a car.
According to data from 'Khvylia', the SUV News website quotes the German magazine Apotheken Umschau, which consulted experts on this issue.
Statistics show that in Europe, there are a lot of elderly drivers - about 50% of people over 75 years old drive a car. This poses a risk to safety, as reaction Time and concentration decline with age.
An important question is how to assess whether an elderly person can safely drive a car. Studies show that older drivers have a higher risk of getting into an accident, raising the question of how long they can continue to drive. Experts do not have a unanimous opinion on this.
Pediatrician Ingrid Denshel claims that older drivers should be restricted, but this should be done individually, assessing their physical and psychological condition.
Siegfried Brockmann, a member of the road safety council, agrees with the idea of restrictions, but believes this should only be done after the age of 75. Before this age, many drivers can drive safely.
Psychologist Katya Shlyainits notes that the experience of older drivers can be an advantage, but it is important to monitor one's health. If a driver notices symptoms of declining cognitive abilities, it is better for them to refrain from driving.
We remind you that earlier drivers were explained what fines may await them.
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