In one day, DTEK restored electricity to almost 33 thousand households after shelling.

DTEK provided electricity to 33 thousand households
Після обстрілів, компанія DTEK швидко відновила електропостачання для тисяч родин.

DTEK energy specialists reported that on January 7, they restored electricity supply for 32.8 thousand families in Dnipropetrovsk and Donetsk regions who had been cut off due to enemy shelling.

According to DTEK, on January 7, as a result of shelling in Dnipropetrovsk, 30.8 thousand families were left without power. Soon after the end of hostilities, energy specialists began restoring electricity supply. By the end of the day, all households that had been cut off had received electricity.

Meanwhile, heavy fighting continues in Donetsk. Despite this difficult situation, energy specialists managed to restore electricity supply to almost two thousand frontline households.

In some settlements that are near active combat actions, DTEK repair teams have repeatedly restored electricity supply and continue to do so despite the danger and shelling.

It is noteworthy that in the last month of 2024, DTEK energy specialists restored electricity for more than 281 thousand families in Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Odesa, and Kyiv regions after enemy shelling.

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