Drivers explained the algorithm of actions if TCC employees took away their licenses.

Algorithm of actions when TCС employees deprive drivers of their rights
Algorithm of actions when TCС employees deprive drivers of their rights

Lawyer Dmytro Franchuk explained how to act if TCC employees take away drivers' licenses.

According to the lawyer, TCC employees have various ways to influence citizens who avoid military draft. But the question concerns the legality of confiscating licenses from drivers who evade military duty.

In our country, it happens that TCC employees take driver's licenses from motorists.

As Franchuk explained, the mobilization law provides for the possibility of restricting the right to drive for those who evade reporting to the TCC. But TCC employees, except for military personnel, do not have the authority to confiscate documents.

A motorist can only lose documents related to military service, such as a military ID. Other personal documents - passport, driver's license, vehicle registration, and bank cards - remain with the owner and are not subject to confiscation.

The lawyer recommends that citizens record suspicious actions of TCC employees on camera or voice recorder, demand explanations and documents on the basis of which they act.

If the military behaves rudely, it is necessary to contact the police and demand the registration of the appeal. In case of refusal, you can file a complaint with the prosecutor's office or court.

Let us remind you that the Rada announced their position on lowering the conscription age to 50 years.

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