From 74 to 129 hryvnias: how the cost of leeks varies in Ukrainian chains.

Shostal Oleksandr

Onion prices in Ukrainian supermarkets are changing
As of October 7, 2024, the prices for different types of onions in Ukrainian supermarkets show significant fluctuations.
According to the price monitoring data from the Ministry of Finance, leeks turned out to be the most expensive, with an average cost of 109.73 UAH per kilogram.
Among popular supermarket chains, the highest price for leeks is offered by Novus - 129 UAH/kg, while the lowest is at Auchan, where a kilogram costs 74.90 UAH.
Regarding other types of onions, the average price for white onions is 29.40 UAH/kg, for bulb onions - 15.31 UAH/kg, and for blue onions - 22.40 UAH/kg.
Compared to the average prices in September 2024, there is a slight decrease in the cost of white onions - from 27.75 UAH/kg to 29.40 UAH/kg. Meanwhile, the price for bulb onions has slightly increased - from 15.13 UAH/kg to 15.31 UAH/kg.
We also wrote that in Ukraine, the prices for a popular vegetable for borscht skyrocketed: why it is becoming more expensive.
Recall that supermarkets changed prices for basic products in October.
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