In Ukraine, cloudy with clearings: weather on March 3.

Weather forecast in Ukraine for March 3
Today in Ukraine, cloudy weather with clearings is forecasted. At night in the southern part and most of the northern regions, light wet snow and rain are expected during the day in the extreme south. No precipitation is forecasted for the rest of the territory. Additionally, fog may occur at night and in the morning, except for the east.
At night, the temperature will range from 2° above zero to 3° below zero. Eastern, Poltava, Dnipropetrovsk, and Zaporizhia regions are expecting 2-7° below zero, while during the day, the temperature will range from 1-6° above zero. In the eastern part of the country, the temperature will approach 0°.
Icy conditions can be expected on the roads. The wind will mostly be from the west and will have a speed of 7-12 m/s.