An anticyclone will cover Ukraine: Didенко warned about frosts up to -9 and icy conditions.

Frosts and icy conditions in Ukraine
Зима підходить: синоптики прогнозують суттєве зниження температури та неблагополучні умови в Україні.

Weather in Ukraine on Friday, February 7

According to forecaster Natalia Didенко, Ukrainians should expect anticyclonic weather. This means dry air with high atmospheric pressure and possible sunny breaks.

'However, these breaks will encourage thermometers to rise to moderate frosts at night, expected in most regions to be -3...-9 degrees', - Didенко warned.

During the day, the air temperature will rise to -3...+2 degrees, except for the east, where -1...-4 degrees is expected. The wind will be north-eastern, moderate, occasionally gusty.

'Dress approximately a few degrees lower - it's better to loosen your scarf or remove your warm hat indoors than to freeze outside. The roads will be slippery - be careful!', - the forecaster emphasized.

In Kyiv, precipitation is unlikely, and there may be breaks. The air temperature at night will be -3...-5 degrees, during the day around zero. In the future, dry and cold weather is expected in Ukraine.

We remind you that a powerful anticyclone Elvira will pass over Europe.

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